All AI models in one app

Get insights from ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini, and more - all at once!

Join 300,000+ happy users
Chat and Compare
Chat with multiple LLMs and compare their results side by side.
Extensive model support
GPT-4o, Claude 3.5, Gemini 1.5 and all popular AI models in one place
Web Access
Improving accuracy by searching up-to-date information from the internet
Document Upload
Upload documents and ask questions about them.
Prompt Library
Manage custom prompts and learn from community prompts.
Rich Text
Render markdown and code blocks with syntax highlighting.
Chat History
Conversations are saved automatically on local device and searchable.
Export and Import
Export and import all your prompts and conversations.
Dark Mode
Toggle between light and dark mode.


What our users are saying

Simple but effective tool to chat with multiple models at once and pick the best responses.

Roberto Kauffmann

With LLMs evolving everyday, ChatHub is a game changer for identifying these and which LLMs I should use for my specific use cases!! Use it in my workflow daily!

Scott Harris

A user-friendly and visually appealing UI that is easy to use and functions properly.


Easy to use, really interesting to see the contrast and very reasonably priced! If you use any form of AI assistant language model, this will elevate the work you're doing and keep you engaged. It's easy to compare and improve what you're doing. I love it!


Good extension and useful. Excelent to have all the chat bots in one place easy access.

Alvaro de J. Carcaño

What a great idea AND implementation - to have all the major Chats on one page.

chad tunis

Frequently asked questions

    • What is ChatHub?

      ChatHub is an app that makes you use multiple AI chatbots simultaneously.

    • What AI chatbots does ChatHub support?

      ChatHub currently supports GPT-4o, Claude 3.5, Gemini 1.5, Llama 3.1, and over 20 more chatbots.

    • How can I use ChatHub?

      You can use ChatHub with our webapp or browser extension.

    • Can I use my own API keys?

      Yes, you can use your own API keys to connect to the chatbots in ChatHub browser extension.

    • Is ChatHub free?

      You can start using ChatHub for free, but you need to upgrade to the premium plan to get more usage and features.

    • Can I use ChatHub on mobile?

      Yes, you can use ChatHub on mobile with our webapp.

Join 300,000+ happy users